Meaning of TACO in English



Add the taco seasoning mix and the water, stir well and simmer for 20min. 3.

Add the chopped tomatoes, the taco seasoning mix and the stock.

Bananas, tacos, onions, pecans surrounded him.

Food without frontiers is the norm now with quiche, tacos or tapas and coronation chicken readily supplied by outside caterers.

Over tacos, burritos and chickpea salads, they discussed logistics, finances, wardrobes and health concerns.

Sushi restaurants that cater to techies and tony taco bars overflow at lunchtime.

The beauty of the Taco Loco is that it is like a large taco salad without all that pesky lettuce.

The lettuce leaf can be rolled around squab mixture like a taco ,-and then eaten out of hand.

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