Marketing social work's image requires tact and subtlety.
The task of discovering whether an ageing individual has a drink problem requires considerable tact and sensitivity.
It requires great tact and perseverance to make some people accept a coaching atmosphere.
Simply to pass risks a sense of purposelessness; but the purposefulness of approach requires delicacy and tact .
Helping people who have marriage problems requires a great deal of tact and patience.
Teresa's skills as an editor and her tact with sensitive authors were respected within the department.
The old woman thrust a picture of a plain-looking girl into Meryl's hand. "Your granddaughter? She's lovely," said Meryl with tact .
Anyone else would have had tact enough to at least dress it up a little, she thought wryly.
But few of the students were accustomed to thinking in critical terms; others, like Philip, were restrained by tact .
But the social tact of the Masai was most impressively demonstrated by the fact that they rarely asked for anything.
Even more important were his sensitivity, tact and diplomacy in an entirely novel situation.
Important personal traits for funeral directors are composure, tact , and the ability to communicate easily with the public.
Telephoning the elderly who live alone needs even more care and tact than talking with them in the course of a visit.
They also need tact , good judgment, and the ability to establish effective personal relationships to oversee staff.
Wullschlager tackles the crucial but opaque question of Andersen's sexuality with tact , resisting psychoanalytic facilities.