However, after paying travel expenses her take-home pay would have been the same.
Mr Wendt's take-home pay could be down to £828,345 against £1.1 million under the Tories.
Over the past 12 years, the take-home pay of a married man with two children has increased by more than 30 percent.
So her take-home pay as a working cosmetologist was only about $ 6. 70 an hour.
The take-home pay of the young will have to be substantially reduced to provide pensions for the increased numbers of elderly.
When they go on sick leave, their aggregate take-home pay is actually higher than when they are on the job.
Workers are not able to choose to trade small adjustments in hours worked against take-home pay .
Your monthly bills, including mortgage or rent, should not be more than half your monthly take-home pay .