[take] vb took ; tak.en ; tak.ing [ME, fr. OE tacan, fr. ON taka; akin to MD taken to take] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: as a: to seize or capture physically "took them as prisoners" b: to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing c (1): to move against (as an opponent's piece in chess) and remove from play (2): to win in a card game "able to ~ 12 tricks" d: to acquire by eminent domain
2: grasp, grip "~ the ax by the handle" 3 a: to catch or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence "taken with a fit of laughing" "taken ill" b: to catch or come upon in a particular situation or action "was taken unawares" c: to gain the approval or liking of: captivate, delight "was quite taken with her at their first meeting"
4. a: to receive into one's body (as by swallowing, drinking, or inhaling) "~ a pill" b: to expose oneself to (as sun or air) for pleasure or physical benefit c: to partake of: eat "~s dinner about seven"
5. a: to bring or receive into a relation or connection "~s just four students a year" "it's time he took a wife" b: to copulate with
6: to transfer into one's own keeping: a: appropriate b: to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or purchase) "~ a cottage for the summer" "I'll ~ the red one" "took an ad in the paper"
7. a: assume "gods often took the likeness of a human being" "when the college took its present form" b (1): to enter into or undertake the duties of "~ a job" "~ office" "took command of the fleet" (2): to move onto or into: move into position on "the home team took the field" c (1): to bind oneself by "~ the oath of office" (2): to make (a decision) esp. with finality or authority d: to impose upon oneself "~ the trouble to do good work" e (1): to adopt as one's own "~ a stand on the issue" "~ an interest" (2): to align or ally oneself with "mother took his side" f: to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted "~ the credit" g: to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself "transitive verbs ~ an object"
8. a: to secure by winning in competition "took first place" b: defeat 9: to pick out: choose, select 10: to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use: as a: to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something "~ a scythe to the weeds" b: to use as a means of transportation or progression "~ the bus"n -- take a back seat : to have or assume a secondary position or status -- take a bath : to suffer a heavy financial loss -- take account of : to take into account -- take advantage of 1: to use to advantage: profit by
2: to impose on: exploit -- take after : to resemble in features, build, character, or disposition -- take apart 1: to disconnect the pieces of: disassemble
2: to treat roughly or harshly: tear into -- take a powder : to leave hurriedly -- take care : to be careful or watchful: exercise caution or prudence -- take care of : to attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of -- take charge : to assume care, custody, command, or control -- take effect 1: to become operative
2: to be effective -- take exception : object "took exception to the remark" -- take five or take ten : to take a break esp. from work -- take for : to suppose to be; esp: to suppose mistakenly to be -- take for granted 1: to assume as true, real, or expected
2: to value too lightly -- take heart : to gain courage or confidence -- take hold 1: grasp, grip, seize
2: to become attached or established: take effect -- take into account : to make allowance for -- take in vain : to use (a name) profanely or without proper respect -- take issue : disagree -- take it on the chin : to suffer from the results of a situation -- take kindly to : to show an inclination to accept or approve -- take notice of : to observe or treat with special attention -- take one's time : to be leisurely about doing something -- take part : join, participate, share -- take place : happen, occur -- take root 1: to become rooted
2: to become fixed or established -- take shape : to assume a definite or distinctive form -- take stock : to make an assessment -- take the cake : to carry off the prize: rank first -- take the count 1 of a boxer: to be counted out
2: to go down in defeat -- take the floor : to rise (as in a meeting or a legislative assembly) to make a formal address -- take to 1: to go to or into "take to the woods"
2: to apply or devote oneself to (as a practice, habit, or occupation) "take to begging"
3: to adapt oneself to: respond to "takes to water like a duck"
4: to conceive a liking for -- take to task : to call to account for a shortcoming: criticize -- take turns : alternate syn take, seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, grab mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. take is a general term applicable to any manner of getting something into one's possession or control "take some salad from the bowl". seize implies a sudden and forcible movement in getting hold of something tangible or an apprehending of something fleeting or elusive when intangible "seized the suspect". grasp stresses a laying hold so as to have firmly in possession "grasp the handle and pull". clutch suggests avidity or anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply less success in holding "clutching her purse". snatch suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than seize "snatched a doughnut and ran". grab implies more roughness or rudeness than snatch "grabbed roughly by the arm".
[2]take n (1654) 1: something that is taken: a: the amount of money received: proceeds, receipts, income b: share, cut "wanted a bigger ~" c: the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time: catch, haul d: a section or installment done as a unit or at one time e (1): a scene filmed or televised at one time without stopping the camera (2): a sound recording made during a single recording period; esp: a trial recording
2: an act or the action of taking: as a: the action of killing, capturing, or catching (as game or fish) b (1): the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene (2): the making of a sound recording 3 a: a local or systemic reaction indicative of successful vaccination (as against smallpox) b: a successful union (as of a graft)
4: a visible response or reaction (as to something unexpected) "a delayed ~"
5: a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment "was asked for her ~ on recent developments"; also: a distinct treatment or variation "a new ~ on an old style" -- on the take : illegally paid for favors