гл. 1) брать 2) принимать 3) брать цену, взимать 4) снимать 5) арендовать (помещение) 6) вступать (в должность и т.п.) 7) занимать (время, место) 8) принимать 9) выкупать 10) оплачивать • - be on the take - cash take - government take - take a bath - take a bath - take a flier - take a flier - take aboard - take advantage of smth - take an initiative - take an offer - take apart - take away - take charge of - take control - take delivery - take effect - take for the call - take for the put - take from the value of smth. - take from - take in - take interest - take into account - take into account - take into consideration - take measures - take notice - take off - take off - take office - take on - take out - take over - take part - take place - take possession - take property on lease - take smb. off the job - take steps - take the charge of smth - take the crop - take the debt out in smth - take the opportunity - take the view - take through - take up Syn: receive, assume, accept, admit, take on, adopt
Англо-русский перевод TAKE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001