Meaning of TELEGRAM in English





B received A's telegram at 9.40 a.m.

We have received 2, 200 telegrams and 4, 000 letters in response to your Mideast statements....

When Sir Henry received the telegram sent by Holmes' boy, he would think that we had arrived in London.


When the islands were first invaded, he sent a telegram to Mrs Thatcher.

He did send a telegram this afternoon.

One thing is clear, we must send him a telegram .

Group Captain Lord Cheshire, who had been unable to be present, had sent a telegram .

He sent home letters and telegrams that give us a glimpse behind the facade of the official portrait: Loved the ladies.

People could send telegrams , telephone each other, and transmit information much more quickly than ever before.

Hertz Lipmann had sent her a telegram .


A telegram reached her on the train on her way home, and he met her at Barnstable.

Bord and Clarke teased in a giddy opening night telegram .

He stood with his cap in his hand until Sarah took the telegram .

His sons received the news by telegram and were apparently unperturbed.

The telegram came on a gray, chilly April day.

The idea was sound, but events of 14 July made it futile, for Bismarck's telegram had the desired effect.

When cottages were on fire at Cosgrove in 1900 the Brigade was informed by telegram .

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