It was situated in a wide, tree-lined avenue in what she took to be the smarter part of Richmond.
From Hamsterley village, it is approached through the forest and finally a spectacular tree-lined avenue .
They were walking up a narrow tree-lined avenue that led to the Champs-Elysees.
A man and his wife positioned themselves in the middle of one of the tree-lined avenues and sang ballads to a harmonica.
An unattractive, cement-filled track in the morning magically becomes a welcoming tree-lined avenue by mid-afternoon.
Their hotel was in a wide tree-lined street in the centre of town, surrounded by pretty cafés, restaurants and boutiques.
Lakes and tree-lined streets dominate the rest of Hanoi, built along the murky Red River.
The town has no real hills and has many pleasant tree-lined streets .
We walked hours and hours along tree-lined streets and riverbanks.
Along the short tree-lined street there are several eighteenth-century three-storey weavers' cottages with the characteristic long windows to the upper-floor workshops.
Mark's Place, a tree-lined street filled with oversized townhouses.
This genteel neighborhood of tree-lined streets and solid apartment houses used to be the most fashionable address in Lima.
Ducks have long been a nuisance at the tree-lined park.
Eventually we came to an ancient tree-lined canal with a long-tailed water taxi parked at a dock.
From Hamsterley village, it is approached through the forest and finally a spectacular tree-lined avenue.
His family home has tree-lined grounds, including an ancient mulberry, and the snowdrops are out.
Lakes and tree-lined streets dominate the rest of Hanoi, built along the murky Red River.
Their hotel was in a wide tree-lined street in the centre of town, surrounded by pretty cafés, restaurants and boutiques.
We walked hours and hours along tree-lined streets and riverbanks.