Meaning of TROPICAL in English



a tropical forest (= in tropical areas of the world )

South East Asia’s topical rain forests

a tropical island

What could be more romantic than a wedding on a tropical island?

a tropical storm

The tropical storm smashed through the Bahamas.

exotic/tropical plants

Exotic plants can be grown in a greenhouse.

geriatric/veterinary/tropical etc medicine (= medical study relating to specific groups or types of illness )

Advances have been made in veterinary medicine, so that our pets are living longer, healthier lives.

tropical fish

a tank full of tropical fish

tropical heat (= the warm, damp weather in the hottest parts of the world )

He stepped off the plane into the tropical heat.

tropical (= very hot and wet )

the tropical climate of Brazil




All these tropical areas have their own brackish flora and fauna, but few if any are known in the trade.

A star fruit tree can reach 25 feet in tropical areas .

This blood-sucking abomasal nematode may be responsible for extensive losses in sheep and cattle, especially in tropical areas .

Only an overnight train journey, however, divides it from tropical areas and their exotic products.

The bush is now grown in other tropical areas that have a sufficiently warm, wet climate.

About 80 species grow in the tropical areas of the world.

Fruit Bats are only able to live where fruit is available throughout the year, in tropical areas of the old world.

The plant collection includes flowering plants now cultivated in gardens in many tropical areas of the world.


There are peripheral insertions, like borders of flowers, or tropical birds which populate the background landscapes of many religious paintings.


Health hazards arise since full protective clothing is unbearable in a tropical climate , even if the poor farmers could afford it.

This is my first experience of a tropical climate and everything overwhelms.

The raised, open dwellings made sense in this tropical climate .

After living three years in a tropical climate , I had to get some cold-weather clothes, too.

Does the Land Rover petrol engine have a reputation for inadequate cooling when operated in tropical climates ?


And it's not just tropical countries that are affected.

INBio provides a model that other tropical countries are already starting to follow.

More effective surveillance should also be encouraged in tropical countries , both to monitor efficacy and to document adverse reactions.

The loss of these drugs to resistance may represent the single most important threat to the health of people in tropical countries .

It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North.

It also calls for increased aid to tropical countries to enable them to achieve sustainable forest management.

The Jersey is certainly recognised in tropical countries as giving better results than other temperate breeds.


Increasingly high standards favour the larger wealthy companies that have little interest in tropical diseases .

Or what if he gets a toothache or needs an appendectomy or is bringing some incurable tropical disease over here with him?

But when there is no pressing military or colonial imperative, the developed world loses interest in tropical diseases .

I had suggested some new tropical disease was a far more likely explanation.

My father was engaged in research in tropical diseases , and he used to take me around his laboratory in Mill Hill.

For others remaining or settling around the reservoir or flooded areas, tropical diseases often become prevalent.

Maybe he was ill - delirious with some sort of tropical disease ?

He also used to take me into the insect house, where he kept mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases .


All about tropical fish by Derek McInery Favourite species?

To seaward, bright tropical fish dance in the coral reefs.

The full set builds to an invaluable reference collection of the most popular tropical fish .

I know that the Plec is a tropical fish but it is tolerant to the 26-27°C temperature of my tank.

In particular, mangroves are the nurseries for huge numbers of tropical fish , which as adults live in the open sea.

Coral reefs and tropical fish abound for those who like to snorkel.

Quarantine Legally no quarantine period is needed for tropical fish .

The last are suitable for small fish as they are, but earthworms and woodlice are too big for many tropical fish.


Millions of acres of tropical forest have been cleared in the pursuit of cheaper beef for hamburgers.

The contrasts between temperate and tropical forests are striking.

The birds inhabit tropical forests , savannah, and arid semi-desert conditions.

The conference also agreed on a Statement of Forest Principles, aimed particularly at limiting the destruction of tropical forests.

Nevertheless, the data reflect the magnitude of the impact of agriculture on tropical forest areas.

Some species manage to live on land in humid tropical forests , undulating on mucus that they secrete from their undersides.

Clearance for cultivation threatens the islands' tropical forests and brings with it road construction, settlement and damage to water supplies.

The logging of timber is estimated to destroy or damage 12.5 million acres of tropical forests every year.


Other tropical fruits such as mangoes and papaya could be next for the treatment.

Garnish with tropical fruits and sauteed wild mushrooms, if desired.

Zimmermann Graeff's Exotic Buck's Fizz is made with delicious tropical fruit juices including pineapple and passion fruit.

This wine is fresh and fruity with ripe tropical fruit flavours.

It can not get enough high-quality organic tropical fruit .


There is a lush tropical garden , swimming pool and a small private beach.

Apparently, Roberto Sabortini could transform a desert into a lush tropical garden .

Le Sport is surrounded by tropical gardens on a secluded bay of golden sand.

Fifteen acres of rich, tropical gardens in the very heart of the city.

St Mary's has a busy harbour, and Tresco has a beautiful tropical garden .

The excellent three-star Nipa Lodge hotel is set in five acres of tropical gardens .

It is set in spacious tropical gardens and offers a good choice of facilities.


A wooden disc box from Supplier Action: not a greenhouse gas producer and not made from tropical hardwood .

It already is against the law to use tropical hardwoods in city projects.

Junkers has come up with an ecological alternative to worktops made from tropical hardwoods .

Pledge five: forests I pledge not to buy any products made from tropical hardwoods .

I he trade in tropical hardwoods has already peaked and stocks in some countries are rapidly running down.

Before you buy furniture, make sure it isn't made from tropical hardwoods , unless from a sustainable source.

Eighty percent of tropical hardwoods are made into furniture.

He urged wealthy nations to plant tropical hardwoods in desert lands, thereby tripling the area under tropical timber within a century.


This shot brings to mind one very important aspect of tropical island work.

Fiona is haunted by strange premonitions when she goes to the tropical island of San Cristobal as a governess.

Many tropical islands once had their own species, but most of these are now extinct.

Holding their annual shindig on a tropical island , briefly converted into a deluxe version of Alcatraz, did the trick.

I excavated and preserved in writing fragmented memories of the tropical island I had been taken from.

Ramsay has likened the situation in many towns to that of a castaway on a tropical island .

The world is filled with sad women who put a brave face on their unhappiness, even on a tropical island .


Around the coast and in river valleys there are stretches of tropical jungle with pythons and other snakes.

The general effect was of a tropical jungle , made somehow rich and sinfully luxurious.


He then went into research in tropical medicine .

The substance of her treatise on the Black Death had been carefully checked with a microbiologist and a specialist in tropical medicine .

Leo would be coming back to New York now to work in a hospital where he could specialize in tropical medicine .


A serious photographer can not afford to work in any tropical paradise without shooting from the air.

The view is of downtown Bethesda, not exactly a tropical paradise .

The tropical paradise trip was a reward for 40 years' service with the Severn Trent water company.


The reception is an impressive design with a marble dome adjoined by tropical plants .

On the other side is the mosaic-tiled bath, as blue as the sea, beneath a cascade of tropical plants .

She didn't like thunder; it was over-dramatic and showy, like tropical plants .

The tropical plants in the lobby, I notice, are fake as well.

He had duly noted the abundant tropical plants in the foyer and the carpeted floor in the office corridor.

We therefore say that temperate plants are long-day plants while tropical plants are short-day plants.

Most tropical plants have no resistance to freezing and are killed by even slight frost.

For that reason tropical plants usually put out flower buds and flower by slow growth one to three months later.


The tropical rain hardly dampened the mood of the waiting crowd.

Most species live in tropical rain forests.

The drive is spectacular: gorges and tropical rain forests and waterfalls on every hand, but I thought only of Poppy.

For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.

That becomes only too clear if you find yourself hungry in a tropical rain forest.

A deluge of tropical rain fell on us an hour later.

It is ideal for trees; and this, indeed, is the region of tropical rain forest.

Up to half of the tropical rain forests cut down or burned are transformed not into wasteland but into secondary forest.


This will be discussed in section 7.4.3 and the current section will focus specifically on the tropical rainforest .

To have the kind of tropical rainforest you want, you needed to have the right kind of jungle dirt.

This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest .


There are nineteen more employed on running campaigns ranging from tropical rainforests to air pollution and London's roads.

The large size and wide-ranging habit of the orangutan make it especially vulnerable to devastation in tropical rainforests .

The tropical rainforests are the richest source of life on earth, the result of millions of years of evolution.


By the time we reached the airfield next morning a tropical storm was raging.

Paige, released from her duties, stepped out of the house into the oppressive humidity of a looming tropical storm .

A tropical storm moves in, flattening the sea.


When the land is exposed to the harsh tropical sun and torrential rain, it quickly becomes infertile.

An overhead rack of hot metal halide lamps pumps out 15 hours of tropical sun per day.


The first-stage trees are largely used for pulp, while the second-stage ones are the bulk of the tropical timber industry.

The organisation has set 2000 as the target for tropical timber producers to introduce sustainable policies.

Early last year the North Hertfordshire branch of Friends of the Earth conducted a survey of importers of tropical timber .

Conserving Matters Steps are at last being taken to create a formal structure for checking the sources of sustainably managed tropical timber .

However, it agreed to postpone until 1994 the negotiation of a new agreement between tropical timber producers and consumers.

In 1990, it imported over 900,000 cubic metres of tropical timber , and nearly eight million finished tropical timber products.

He urged wealthy nations to plant tropical hardwoods in desert lands, thereby tripling the area under tropical timber within a century.


To gas the inhabitants of a tropical tree can reveal a thousand new kinds of beetle.

In one of the several shows taking place each week, lights transform the awning into a canopy of tropical trees .


tropical birds

the tropical summer of Cuba


For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.

In his shaving mirror he saw a face burned a deep brown by two weeks of fierce tropical sunshine.

It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North.

Many other animals of the tropical forests have adapted themselves to some means of gliding.

When the land is exposed to the harsh tropical sun and torrential rain, it quickly becomes infertile.

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