I. ˈträpə̇kəl, -pēk-, in sense 2 ˈtrōp- adjective
Etymology: tropic (I) + -al
(1) : of, relating to, characteristic of, or incident to the tropics
tropical fruits
tropical agriculture
(2) : being within the tropics
tropical latitudes
(3) : suitable for use in the tropics
tropical worsteds
b. of a sign of the zodiac : beginning at one of the tropics
c. usually capitalized : of, relating to, being, or native to an American biogeographic zone that lies next below the Austral, is bounded to the north by a line marking a minimum accumulation in growth season temperature above 43 degrees Fahrenheit of 26,000 degrees, is nearly or wholly frost-free, and includes most of the region between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
[Latin tropic us (from Greek tropikos, from tropos turn, style + -ikos -ic) + English -al — more at trope ]
: rhetorically changed from its exact original sense : having the nature of a trope : figurative , metaphorical
II. ˈträpə̇kəl, -pēk- noun
( -s )
1. : tropical fish
a. : a lightweight suiting of various fibers (as worsted) made in plain open weave with a clear finish and used especially for hot-weather wear
b. : a garment (as a man's suit) of such a fabric