Meaning of USELESS in English



as good as dead/ruined/useless etc

This carpet’s as good as ruined.




In the middle of the yard the little pony Alejandro regarded as useless stood quivering with terror.

It was as useless as trying to get kidnapped in second grade.

Trying to arrange a temporary nanny proved to be as useless as their hunt for an electrician.

By contrast, most objects thrown away were by definition worn out, broken, or regarded as useless .


Yet it was completely useless , he said.

I wonder how much money we taxpayers paid for these completely useless pieces of information.

If hay has been rained on it may be completely useless .


Some of them are pretty useless , but you do pick up a little information from each one.

One is that the normal / abnormal dichotomy and the categories of mental illness are pretty useless .

But it is pretty useless when it comes to toppling dodgy regimes.

She even waved her fists, which was pretty useless as she's only nine and small for her age.


You will find that the normal aircraft compass is quite useless unless you are flying straight and at a steady speed.

There are so many factors involved in what may seem the simplest of problems, that self-justify answers are often quite useless .

Their digging has cleared right down to the gravel tidy - without it they would have rendered the undergravel filter quite useless .

He went on, it's quite useless if I think of your feelings in any way at all.

It was all quite useless , of course; she'd no idea where she was going.

If you press rose petals too heavily they are quite useless , losing their colour and becoming transparent.

The manufacturer who quickly and generously replaced the kit was able to identify it as three years old, and quite useless .

A few other metal objects had been fired, such as clocks and hair brushes ... but they had proved quite useless .


Luckily they were totally useless in front of goal.

But now I see he was totally useless to learn from.

Soft defences would have been totally useless .


The energy, once transferred to the bath is in the form of low grade heat and therefore virtually useless .

These programs provide facilities ranging from the essential to the virtually useless depending on your point of view.



To this end there can be no such thing as useless information .

This is, I feel, useless information .


next to impossible/useless etc

As a waterproof it was next to useless.

But counting the dead is next to impossible.

But he quickly learned that at his age it was next to impossible to find a professional job in San Francisco.

Buying such a processor for less than $ 400 is next to impossible.

Further, genuine educational change in these settings is next to impossible given the logistical difficulty of just getting the staff together.

In the early months, this restraint was next to impossible for them to achieve.


a useless piece of information

Antibiotics are useless against viral infections such as influenza.

As a secretary, she was useless .

He knew it was useless to pretend to be innocent.

I had to remind myself that worrying is a useless activity.

I tried calling the tax office but they were completely useless .

It's useless trying to talk to you when you've had a drink.

It's time you traded the car in, before it becomes utterly useless .

It think it would be useless writing to the company -- they haven't even returned my calls.

It was useless now to ask for help from my mother.

Jay's car was 20 years old, and useless for anything but a short journey to the local shops.

Jenny decided to say nothing. It was useless to argue.

Numerous studies show that dieting is useless and may even cause weight gain.

Of course we need to test children's ability, but some of these exams are worse than useless .

Presumably, my files will be completely useless to whoever stole them.

She gave me a video, but of course it's useless without a player.

That's a nice watch, but it's useless for going underwater.

The lifejackets turned out to be useless , because they didn't inflate properly.

There's no point reading the instructions - they're completely useless .

This book is useless ! I can't find any of the information I need.


And even as she prayed and wished, she knew, deep inside, that it was all useless .

Despite that military expenditure, there are many situations where the military is useless , says Edward Djerejian.

Had I an opportunity I should have great pleasure in giving you a few hints on this subject which might not be useless .

I feel useless , you know what I mean?

I kept useless collections of stamps, seashells, postcards, rocks, delighting in their deadly neatness.

If the nerve fails to pass on the correct signals, the limb becomes useless .

When their job is done they are judged useless , and killed or thrown out.

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