The contract will generally contain an express warranty intended to be in substitution for a condition which would otherwise be imposed.
The purchaser should not accept any argument that implied warranties are adequate.
One particular point should also be made here about the implied warranty of fitness for purpose.
There is in fact no implied covenant or warranty on the part of the landlord in this regard.
There are, however, implied warranties of quiet possession, etc.
At the very least the Purchaser will expect the Vendor to give this warranty so far as it is aware.
The Vendor should not be required to give representations, as opposed to warranties .
Almost all the equipment on offer will be second hand, but warranties are offered on most products.
Car retailers sell vehicles with various kinds of warranties concerning replacement of faulty parts at the suppliers expense.
Culver noted that water heaters come with two types of warranties, five years and 10 years.
Manufacturers may be prepared to offer product support in the form of a warranty or repair or replacement service.
The contract will generally contain an express warranty intended to be in substitution for a condition which would otherwise be imposed.
The product has a 10-year warranty against wear, fading or staining.
The stores return the systems to the manufacturers, who check out the machines and renew their warranties before they are auctioned.
There's your warranty of a way out.