But Woodhead's art was to tilt at windmills .
Commitment and dedication remained, but tilting at windmills had to stop.
While the Hague event may seem to be an exercise in tilting at windmills , the opposite may also be true.
Gloriously but illogically they rode off to tilt at another windmill .
For the past 12 years the Government have behaved like latter day Don Quixotes tilting at windmills and all the other renewables.
I felt that just by being there I was tilting at windmills .
tilt at windmills
Manning admits he was tilting at windmills in trying to change the nation's prison system.
But Woodhead's art was to tilt at windmills.
Commitment and dedication remained, but tilting at windmills had to stop.
For the past 12 years the Government have behaved like latter day Don Quixotes tilting at windmills and all the other renewables.
I felt that just by being there I was tilting at windmills.
While the Hague event may seem to be an exercise in tilting at windmills, the opposite may also be true.
For centuries, traditional windmills harnessed the wind to drive machinery for grinding wheat into flour.
However, Cauldron Barn Farm, inland on a ridge by the former windmill , survives.
In fact, the windmill provided too much power.
In some areas he could plant his land with windmills.
The subsidies will cover up to 40 percent of installation costs of new windmills.
There was only one low hill in sight, and this had an old, disused windmill on it.
Today, modern versions of windmills, called wind turbines, are used to create electricity.