Meaning of AGREEABLE in English

a ‧ gree ‧ a ‧ ble /əˈɡriːəb ə l/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: adjective : ↑ agreeable ≠ ↑ disagreeable , ↑ agreed ; verb : ↑ agree ≠ ↑ disagree ; noun : ↑ agreement ≠ ↑ disagreement ; adverb : ↑ agreeably ≠ ↑ disagreeably ]

1 . written or old-fashioned pleasant OPP disagreeable :

We spent a most agreeable couple of hours.

an agreeable young man

2 . be agreeable to something formal to be willing to do something or willing to allow something to be done:

My parents are quite agreeable to my studying abroad.

3 . acceptable

agreeable to

The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in terms of cost.

—agreeably adverb :

I think you’ll be agreeably surprised by what I’m going to say.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.