Meaning of AGREED in English

a ‧ greed /əˈɡriːd/ BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]

[ Word Family: adjective : ↑ agreeable ≠ ↑ disagreeable , ↑ agreed ; verb : ↑ agree ≠ ↑ disagree ; noun : ↑ agreement ≠ ↑ disagreement ; adverb : ↑ agreeably ≠ ↑ disagreeably ]

1 . an agreed plan, price, arrangement etc is one that people have discussed and accepted:

The important thing is to have agreed objectives.

2 . be agreed if people are agreed, they have discussed something and agree about what to do

be agreed on

All parties are now agreed on the plan.

be agreed that

We’re all agreed that we cannot spend what we have not earned.

3 . Agreed used to check if someone agrees, or to show that you agree:

‘Let’s just forget it ever happened. Agreed?’ ‘Agreed.’

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.