Meaning of BONHAM CARTER, HELENA in English

Bon ‧ ham Car ‧ ter, Hel ‧ e ‧ na /ˌbɒnəm ˈkɑːtəʳ $ ˌbɑːnəm ˈkɑːr-, ˈhelənə/ BrE AmE

(1966–) a British actress who is known especially for appearing in films which are based on famous works of literature by writers such as E.M. Forster, Henry James, and George Orwell. Her films include Howards End , The Wings of the Dove , and Keep the Aspidistra Flying. She has also played modern parts in films such as Fight Club .

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.