I. Burns, George /bɜːnz $ bɜːrnz/ BrE AmE
(1896–1996) a US ↑ comedian and actor who was popular in ↑ vaudeville , on radio, and on television. He was known for always smoking a cigar and for talking to the ↑ audience (=the people watching) .
II. Burns, Rob ‧ ert /ˈrɒbət $ ˈrɑːbərt/ BrE AmE
(1759–96) a Scottish poet who wrote in the ↑ Scots dialect and is regarded as Scotland's national poet. He wrote about love, country life, and national pride, and his best-known poems include Tam o' Shanter and To a Mouse . Scottish people all over the world celebrate his birthday on 25 January, Burns Night.