Meaning of COMMITTED in English

com ‧ mit ‧ ted /kəˈmɪtəd, kəˈmɪtɪd/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: adjective : noncommital, ↑ committed ≠ ↑ uncommitted ; verb : ↑ commit ; noun : ↑ commitment ]

willing to work very hard at something SYN dedicated :

The party has a core of committed supporters.

committed to

We are fully committed to Equal Opportunity policies.

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■ adverbs

▪ fully/totally/wholly committed

Both sides claim to be fully committed to the peace process.

▪ deeply/strongly/firmly committed

He was deeply committed to his faith.

▪ passionately/fiercely committed (=in a way that you feel very strongly)

We are all passionately committed to our work in Africa.

▪ politically/ideologically committed

They were ideologically committed to democratic principles.

▪ emotionally committed

As a couple, they were emotionally committed to one another.

▪ irrevocably committed formal (=in a way that cannot be changed)

By now the Americans were irrevocably committed to the war.

■ verbs

▪ remain committed

The government remained committed to the treaty.

▪ become committed

They became committed Christians.

▪ feel committed

I never really felt committed to the job.

■ nouns

▪ a committed supporter

He remains a committed supporter of the present government.

▪ a committed member of something

She is a committed member of the Scottish Socialist Party.

▪ a committed Christian/Muslim/pacifist etc

They consider themselves to be committed Christians.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.