con ‧ nect ‧ ed ‧ ness /kəˈnektədnəs, kəˈnektɪdnəs/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ connection , ↑ connectedness , ↑ connector ; verb : ↑ connect ≠ ↑ disconnect ; adjective : ↑ connected ≠ ↑ disconnected ≠ ↑ unconnected ]
1 . the feeling people have that they are members of a group in society and that they share particular qualities with other members of that group:
Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.
2 . the degree to which people are connected by electronic technology such as the Internet and email
connectedness between/with
Computers have increased the connectedness between physicians and patients.