Meaning of CONTRIBUTE in English

con ‧ trib ‧ ute S3 W2 AC /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ BrE AmE verb

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ contribution , ↑ contributor ; verb : ↑ contribute ; adjective : ↑ contributory ]

[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: past participle of contribuere , from com- ( ⇨ COM- ) + tribuere ( , ↑ tribute ) ]

1 . [intransitive and transitive] to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in

contribute to/towards

City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.

contribute something to/towards something

The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.

2 . [intransitive] to help to make something happen ⇨ contributory :

Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.

contribute to

Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.

contribute substantially/significantly/greatly etc to something

Enya’s success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.

3 . [intransitive and transitive] to write articles, stories, poems etc for a newspaper or magazine ⇨ contributor

contribute to

one of several authors contributing to the book

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.