I. cor ‧ rec ‧ tive 1 /kəˈrektɪv/ BrE AmE adjective [usually before noun]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ correction , ↑ correctness , ↑ corrective ; adjective : ↑ correct ≠ ↑ incorrect , ↑ corrective ; verb : ↑ correct ; adverb : ↑ correctly ≠ ↑ incorrectly ]
intended to make something right or better again:
corrective surgery
corrective action/measures
corrective measures to deal with the country’s serious economic decline
II. corrective 2 BrE AmE noun [countable usually singular] formal
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ correction , ↑ correctness , ↑ corrective ; adjective : ↑ correct ≠ ↑ incorrect , ↑ corrective ; verb : ↑ correct ; adverb : ↑ correctly ≠ ↑ incorrectly ]
something that is intended to correct a fault or mistake
corrective to
The biography is a useful corrective to the myths that have grown up around this man.