I. kəˌrektiv, -tēv also -təv; rapid ˈkre- adjective
Etymology: Middle French correctif, from Medieval Latin correctivus, from Latin correctus + -ivus -ive
: tending to correct
corrective lenses
corrective punishment
: having the power or property of correcting, counteracting, or restoring to a normal condition
corrective exercises
: correctional
• cor·rec·tive·ly -tə̇vlē, -li adverb
• cor·rec·tive·ness -tivnə̇s, -tēv- also -təv- noun -es
II. noun
( -s )
1. : something that corrects : a corrective agent
uses criticism as a corrective of abuses
phenobarbital is a corrective of ephedrine
: remedy
his speech was a timely corrective for national complacency
2. obsolete : a change that corrects