cos ‧ met ‧ ics /kɒzˈmetɪks $ kɑːz-/ BrE AmE noun [plural]
creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body in order to look more attractive ⇨ make-up :
a range of cosmetics and toiletries
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▪ make-up coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance:
I don’t usually wear much make-up.
▪ cosmetics creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body in order to look more attractive:
a range of cosmetics and toiletries
▪ lipstick a substance you use for adding colour to your lips, in the shape of a small stick:
She was wearing bright red lipstick.
▪ eyeshadow coloured cream or powder that you put on your eyelids
▪ eyeliner something you use for adding a line of colour at the edges of your eyelids to make your eyes look bigger or more noticeable
▪ mascara a dark substance you use to colour your eyelashes and make them look thicker
▪ blusher ( also blush American English , rouge old-fashioned ) red or pink cream or powder used for making your cheeks look slightly more pink
▪ foundation a cream the same colour as your skin that you put on your face before the rest of your make-up