Meaning of -CRAT in English

I. -crat /kræt/ BrE AmE suffix [in nouns]

[ Language: French ; Origin: -crate , from -cratie ; ⇨ ↑ -cracy ]

another form of the suffix ↑ -ocrat

II. -ocrat /əkræt/ AmE ( also -crat ) suffix [in nouns]

1 . someone who believes in a particular principle of government:

a democrat (=someone who believes in government by the people)

2 . a member of a powerful or governing social class or group:

a technocrat (=a scientist who controls an organization or country)

—-ocratic /əkrætɪk/ suffix

—-ocratically /əkrætɪkli/ suffix

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.