Meaning of DICKINSON, DAVID in English

Dick ‧ in ‧ son, David /ˈdɪkəns ə n, ˈdɪkɪns ə n/ BrE AmE

(1941–) a British television ↑ presenter and former ANTIQUES ↑ dealer who presents the BBC television show Bargain Hunt . He is famous for using the phrases ‘cheap as chips’ (=very cheap), ‘a real Bobby Dazzler’ (=something very good), and ‘a bit of a duffer’ (=something not very good). He likes to wear ↑ pinstripe suits and bright ↑ tie s , and is known for always having a deep ↑ tan .

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.