I. fa ‧ mil ‧ iar ‧ ise /fəˈmɪliəraɪz/ BrE AmE verb
a British spelling of ↑ familiarize
II. fa ‧ mil ‧ i ‧ ar ‧ ize BrE AmE ( also familiarise British English ) /fəˈmɪliəraɪz/ verb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ familiarity ≠ ↑ unfamiliarity , ↑ family , ↑ familiarization ; adjective : ↑ familiar ≠ ↑ unfamiliar , ↑ familial ; verb : ↑ familiarize ; adverb : ↑ familiarly ]
familiarize yourself/somebody with something to learn about something so that you understand it, or to teach someone else about something so that they understand it:
Employees must familiarize themselves with the health and safety manual.
—familiarization /fəˌmɪliəraɪˈzeɪʃ ə n $ -rə-/ noun [uncountable] :
a one-day familiarization course