Meaning of FLUKE in English

fluke /fluːk/ BrE AmE noun [countable] informal

[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Origin: Origin unknown. ]

something good that happens because of luck:

He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.

—fluky, flukey adjective :

a fluky win

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▪ luck noun [uncountable] when good or bad things happen to people by chance:

The game involves an element of luck as well as skill.

▪ chance noun [uncountable] the way that some things happen without being planned or caused by people:

I met her by chance on a plane to Tokyo.


Like all top athletes, he leaves nothing to chance, and trains harder than anybody.

▪ fortune noun [uncountable] luck and the effect it has on your life:

I had the good fortune to work with some great people.


The tour was dogged by ill fortune (=it had a lot of bad luck) from the start.


Fortune has shone on the team so far this season (=they have been lucky) .

▪ fate noun [uncountable] a power that some people believe controls what happens to people and which cannot be changed or stopped:

Fate dealt him a cruel blow with the death of his wife at the age of 32.


It must have been fate that brought them together, and fate that tore them apart.


We can’t just leave it to fate.

▪ providence noun [uncountable] a power which some people believe controls what happens in our lives and protects us:

Do you believe in divine providence (=God’s power to make things happen) ?


Her life was mapped out for her by providence.

▪ fluke noun [countable usually singular] informal something good that happens because of luck:

Their second goal was a fluke.


They won by a fluke.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.