I. Hous ‧ ton /'hjuːst ə n/ BrE AmE
1 . a city and port in the US state of Texas, where NASA, the US government space centre, is based
2 . Houston, we have a problem people say this humorously when something goes wrong. These words were first spoken by one of the ↑ astronaut s on the unsuccessful Apollo 13 space ↑ mission .
II. Houston, Sam /sæm/ BrE AmE
(1793–1863) a US soldier and politician who fought to make Texas independent from Mexico. He was president of the Republic of Texas from 1836 until it became a state of the US in 1845. The city of Houston in Texas was named after him.
III. Hous ‧ ton, Whit ‧ ney /ˈhuːst ə n, ˈwɪtni/ BrE AmE
(1963–) a US singer of popular love songs and ↑ soul music , one the most successful singers of the late 1980s and early 1990s. She also appeared in the film The Bodyguard (1992) with Kevin Costner. One of her most famous songs is I Will Always Love You .