Meaning of IMPRACTICAL in English

im ‧ prac ‧ ti ‧ cal /ɪmˈpræktɪk ə l/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ practical , practicalities, ↑ practicality ≠ ↑ impracticality , ↑ practicability ≠ ↑ impracticability ; adverb : ↑ practically ≠ ↑ impractically , ↑ practicably ≠ ↑ impracticably ; adjective : ↑ practicable ≠ ↑ impracticable , ↑ practical ≠ ↑ impractical ]

1 . not sensible or possible for practical reasons:

The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.

James was a foolish man, full of impractical plans.

2 . not good at dealing with ordinary practical matters, such as making or repairing things:

Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house.

—impractically /-kli/ adverb

—impracticality /ɪmˌpræktɪˈkæləti, ɪmˌpræktɪˈkælɪti/ noun [uncountable] :

the sheer impracticality of collecting DNA from such a large population

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▪ impossible something that is impossible cannot happen or be done:

It’s impossible to get a taxi around here.


At times, finding a job felt like an impossible task.

▪ impractical something that is impractical is too expensive, takes too much time, is too difficult etc and therefore it is not sensible to try to do it:

It’s a nice idea, but it’s totally impractical.


We cannot all just stop using our cars - that would be completely impractical.


an impractical suggestion

▪ out of the question used when saying that something is completely impossible, especially because it is not allowed:

It’s out of the question for you to go alone.

▪ there’s no way informal used when saying that you think something is completely impossible:

There’s no way we can get to the airport in less than an hour.

▪ inconceivable impossible to imagine or believe:

It seemed inconceivable that there could be an end to the fighting in Northern Ireland.

▪ unthinkable impossible to imagine or believe - used especially about something that seems very shocking to people:

In those days it was unthinkable for a lady to work outside the home.

▪ unattainable impossible to achieve:

an unattainable goal


Victory seemed unattainable.

▪ it can’t be done spoken used when saying very definitely that something is impossible:

I’m afraid it can’t be done.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.