Synonyms and related words :
abstract, academic, airy, armchair, autistic, awkward, beyond one, bulky, clumsy, conjectural, contrary, crosswise, cumbersome, dereistic, hulking, hulky, hypothetic, ideal, idealistic, impracticable, in the clouds, inconvenient, ineffective, ineffectual, infeasible, inoperable, insuperable, insurmountable, moot, nonfunctional, nonrealistic, notional, otherworldly, perverse, poetic, ponderous, postulatory, quixotic, romancing, romantic, romanticized, speculative, starry, starry-eyed, storybook, theoretical, too much for, transcendental, transmundane, unachievable, unattainable, unavailing, uncompassable, undoable, uneffectible, unfeasible, unhandy, unmanageable, unnegotiable, unperformable, unpractical, unrealistic, unrealizable, unserviceable, unsurmountable, unusable, unwieldy, unworkable, useless, visionary, wild, wish-fulfilling