I. King, Don BrE AmE
(1931–) a US BOXING PROMOTER (=someone who arranges and advertises boxing matches) known for working with many famous ↑ boxer s and for his unusual hairstyle
II. King, Martin Luther BrE AmE
(1929–68) a black US religious leader who became the most important leader of the Civil Rights Movement and worked hard to achieve social changes for African-American people. He was known for being a great public speaker, and many people remember his famous speech that starts with the words ‘I have a dream’. He encouraged people to try to achieve changes without using violence, and in 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1968 he was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. In the US there is a national holiday in January to celebrate his birthday.
III. King, Rod ‧ ney /ˈrɒdni $ ˈrɑːd-/ BrE AmE
(1966–) an African-American man who was violently attacked by a group of white police officers in Los Angeles in 1991. The attack was filmed by a member of the public, and this film was later shown on US television. When the police officers were judged in a court of law in 1992, the ↑ jury decided that they were not guilty of being too violent, and this led to ↑ riot s (=violent public protests) in Los Angeles. Many people in the US thought that this event proved that African Americans were still not being treated fairly by the legal system.
IV. King, Ste ‧ phen /ˈstiːv ə n/ BrE AmE
(1947–) a popular US writer of frightening stories such as The Shining (1977) and The Green Mile (1996). Both these stories, and many other Stephen King books, have been made into films.
V. King, The BrE AmE
Elvis ↑ Presley ; an informal name still used for the famous singer, especially by people who love his music