I. lev ‧ y 1 AC /ˈlevi/ BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle levied , present participle levying , third person singular levies ) [transitive]
to officially say that people must pay a tax or charge
levy a tax/charge/fine etc (on something)
a new tax levied on all electrical goods
II. levy 2 AC BrE AmE noun ( plural levies ) [countable]
[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Language: French ; Origin: levée ; ⇨ ↑ levee ]
an additional sum of money, usually paid as a tax
levy on
He wants to impose a levy on landfill waste.
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▪ tax money that you must pay to the government, especially from the money you earn, or as an additional payment when you buy something:
How much income tax do you pay each month?
The Republicans promised to reduce taxes before the last election.
Consumers are angry that the tax on petrol has gone up yet again.
▪ duty a tax you pay on something you buy:
The budget also sharply raised the duty on alcohol and tobacco.
customs duty (=tax you pay on goods you buy and bring into the country)
▪ tariff a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a country, especially to protect a country’s industry from cheap goods from other countries:
the import tariffs on hi-tech equipment
The government’s tariff and trade policies came under fierce attack.
▪ levy an extra amount of money that you have to pay the government, usually as a tax, often in order to encourage people not to use or do something:
A new levy on fuel inefficient vehicles has been proposed.
▪ surcharge an amount of money that you have to pay in addition to the agreed or stated price of something:
British Airways will increase its fuel surcharge on all airline tickets from June 3.
When you get cash at some machines, you have to pay an ATM surcharge.