mayor /meə $ ˈmeɪər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: maire , from Latin major ; ⇨ ↑ major 1 ]
1 . the person who has been elected to lead the government of a town or city:
the election of the London mayor
2 . someone who is chosen or elected each year in Britain to represent a town or city at official public ceremonies
—mayoral adjective :
mayoral duties
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▪ politician someone who works in politics, especially an elected member of the government:
senior politicians
▪ statesman a political or government leader, especially one who is well-respected:
a respected elder statesman
great statesmen like Roosevelt and Churchill
He would later describe the king as ‘one of the most brilliant statesmen I have ever been privileged to meet’.
▪ MP/Member of Parliament in Britain, someone who has been elected to a parliament to represent people from a particular area of the country:
Ken Newton, MP
▪ congressman a man who is a member of a congress, especially the US House of Representatives:
a Republican congressman
▪ congresswoman a woman who is a member of a congress, especially the US House of Representatives:
Mrs McKinney was the state’s first black congresswoman.
▪ senator a member of the senate, especially in the US:
Senator Clinton
▪ representative in the US, a member of the House of Representatives:
Democratic Representatives
▪ mayor someone who has been elected to lead the government of a town or city:
Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London.
the former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani
▪ spin doctor someone who is used by a political party to influence people’s opinions by cleverly controlling what is reported in the news:
The party spin doctors would like us to believe that the government is committed to improving the environment.