Meaning of ROVE in English

Rove, Karl /kɑːl $ kɑːrl/ BrE AmE

(1950–) a US Republican political ↑ strategist , who worked for George W. Bush during his election ↑ campaign . After the election, he became an ↑ assistant and ADVISOR to President Bush. In 2005 he was proven to be one of the people who gave the name of a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, to the ↑ press ↑ allegedly because her husband had written an article criticizing Bush’s reasons for starting the war in Iraq. In 2007 he was ↑ investigate d by the Office of Special Counsel for his involvement a scandal involving emails, for the firing (↑ fire ) of US ↑ attorney s , and for ‘improper political influence over government decision-making’. He ↑ resign ed in the same year.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.