rove 1
/rohv/ , v. , roved, roving , n.
1. to wander about without definite destination; move hither and thither at random, esp. over a wide area.
2. to wander over or through; traverse: to rove the woods.
3. an act or instance of roving.
[ 1490-1500; orig., to shoot at a random target; perh. rafa to stray; but cf. also OF raver to roam ]
Syn. 1. stroll, amble, stray. See roam .
rove 2
/rohv/ , v.
a pt. and pp. of reeve 2 .
rove 3
/rohv/ , v. , roved, roving , n.
1. to form (slivers of wool, cotton, etc.) into slightly twisted strands in a preparatory process of spinning.
2. to draw fibers or the like through an eye or other small opening.
3. to attenuate, compress, and twist slightly in carding.
4. Brit. roving 2 .
[ 1780-90; of obscure orig. ]