stud /stʌd/ BrE AmE noun
[ Sense 1-2: Language: Old English ; Origin: stod ]
[ Sense 3-7: Language: Old English ; Origin: studu ]
1 . ANIMAL [uncountable and countable] the use of animals, especially horses, for breeding, an animal that is used in this way, or a place where this is done:
a stud dog
2 . MAN [countable] informal a man who has a lot of sexual partners and who is very proud of his sexual ability
3 . ON SHOES [countable] one of a set of small pointed pieces of metal or plastic that are attached to the bottom of a running shoe, football boot etc to stop you from slipping
4 . IN YOUR EAR [countable] a small round ↑ earring
5 . FOR DECORATION [countable] a round piece of metal that is stuck into a surface for decoration
6 . FOR A SHIRT [countable] a small thing for fastening a shirt or collar, that consists of two round flat pieces of metal joined together by a bar
7 . BOARD [countable] American English a board that is used to make the frame of a house