sub ‧ mit S3 W3 AC /səbˈmɪt/ BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle submitted , present participle submitting )
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ submission , ↑ submissiveness ; verb : ↑ submit ; adverb : ↑ submissively ; adjective : ↑ submissive ]
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: submittere 'to lower, submit' , from mittere 'to send' ]
1 . [transitive] to give a plan, piece of writing etc to someone in authority for them to consider or approve
submit an application/claim/proposal etc
All applications must be submitted by Monday.
2 . [intransitive and transitive] formal to agree to obey someone or something or to go through a process, especially when you have no choice SYN give in
submit to
Derek has agreed to submit to questioning.
3 . [transitive] formal law to suggest or say something
submit (that)
I submit that the jury has been influenced by the publicity in this case.