I. Sul ‧ li ‧ van, Ed /ˈsʌləv ə n, ˈsʌlɪv ə n, ed/ BrE AmE
(1902–74) a US entertainer who had his own television programme called The Ed Sullivan Show , which started in 1948 and continued until 1971. He invited many unknown musicians and ↑ comedian s on his show, which helped many of them to become famous, and the ↑ Beatles and the ↑ Rolling Stones first appeared in the US on his show.
II. Sullivan, John L BrE AmE
(1858–1918) a US ↑ boxer who was the last bare-knuckle world HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION although he wore BOXING GLOVE s when he lost his title to James J Corbett in 1892. He was known as the Boston Strong Boy, and often said, ‘I can lick any man in the house’, which meant he thought he could beat anyone who wanted to fight him.
III. Sullivan, Louis Henry BrE AmE
(1856–1924) a US ↑ architect who worked in Chicago and built some of the first ↑ skyscraper s (=very tall buildings) , such as the Wainwright Building in St Louis
IV. Sullivan, Sir Arthur BrE AmE
(1842–1900) a British ↑ composer known especially for working with W.S. Gilbert to write humorous ↑ operetta s (=plays with songs) ⇨ ↑ Gilbert and Sullivan