sup ‧ ple ‧ men ‧ ta ‧ ry AC /ˌsʌpləˈment ə ri◂, ˌsʌplɪˈment ə ri◂/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ supplement , ↑ supplementation ; verb : ↑ supplement ; adjective : ↑ supplementary ]
provided in addition to what already exists SYN additional :
supplementary information
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▪ more in addition to an amount or number:
Can I have some more coffee?
I have one more question.
It only costs a few dollars more.
▪ further [only before noun] formal as well as the ones that you have already mentioned:
She will remain in hospital for further tests.
They waited for a further two hours.
▪ supplementary formal in addition to the main part of something:
Supplementary information is available on request.
a supplementary question
supplementary income
▪ extra in addition to the usual or standard cost, time, amount etc:
They let the kids stay up an extra hour.
Some stores charge extra for delivery.
Postage is extra.
▪ additional [only before noun] more than the basic amount or the amount that you expected or agreed. Additional is more formal than extra :
An evening job would provide additional income.
There may be an additional charge for paying bills by credit card.