Meaning of TRAVELLING in English

I. trav ‧ el ‧ ling 1 BrE AmE British English , traveling American English /ˈtræv ə lɪŋ/ adjective [only before noun]

1 . travelling expenses money that is used to pay for the cost of travelling while someone is on a trip for their company

2 . travelling companion someone you are on a journey with

3 . travelling musician/circus/exhibition etc someone or something that goes from place to place

4 . travelling rug/clock etc British English a clock etc designed to be used when you are travelling

5 . travelling people/folk British English ↑ traveller s

II. travelling 2 BrE AmE British English , traveling American English noun [uncountable]

1 . the act or activity of going from one place to another, especially places that are far away:

After retiring, we’ll do some travelling.

2 . taking more than three steps while holding the ball in ↑ basketball

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.