Meaning of UNFRIENDLY in English

un ‧ friend ‧ ly /ʌnˈfrendli/ BrE AmE adjective ( comparative unfriendlier , superlative unfriendliest )

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ friend , ↑ friendliness , ↑ friendship , ↑ friendly ; adjective : ↑ friendly ≠ ↑ unfriendly , ↑ friendless ; verb : ↑ befriend ]

1 . not kind or friendly:

The old man looked cross and unfriendly.

a lonely unfriendly place

unfriendly to/towards

The villagers were really quite unfriendly towards us.

2 . not helping or wanting a type of person or thing

unfriendly to

We have created cities that are unfriendly to pedestrians.

3 . an unfriendly government or nation is one that opposes yours

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■ person/voice/behaviour

▪ unfriendly/not friendly behaving towards someone in a way that shows you are not interested in them or are not ready to talk to them or help them:

The hotel staff were unfriendly and unhelpful.


an unfriendly tone of voice


They didn't seem very friendly to strangers.


She gave him an unfriendly glance.

▪ hostile very unfriendly, and ready to argue or fight:

He was openly hostile towards me when I arrived.


A hostile crowd gathered oustide the US embassy.

▪ cold behaving towards other people as if you do not like them or care about them:

He gave her a cold stare.


a cold voice

▪ frosty unfriendly, especially because you are angry with someone:

When she spoke, her tone was frosty.


He got a frosty reception from his wife when he finally returned home (=she was not very friendly towards him) .

▪ aloof [not before noun] not wanting to talk to other people or spend time with them, especially because you think you are better than them:

Some politicians are criticized for being too aloof.

▪ antagonistic unfriendly and always trying to start arguments with someone:

Why are Kate and John so antagonistic towards each other?

▪ antisocial not interested in meeting other people or forming friendly relationships with them:

Sorry if I'm being antisocial, but I need to get my work done.


He was an antisocial loner with no friends.

■ place/organization

▪ unfriendly making you feel as though you are not wanted:

The report found that the Church can seem unfriendly to outsiders.

▪ unwelcoming unfriendly - used especially about the physical characteristics or appearance of something:

The entrance to the factory is cold, bare, and unwelcoming.


The new fence is just one example of the city’s attempt to make public spaces unwelcoming to the homeless.

▪ impersonal lacking the normal friendly relations between people who work or do business together:

I had no desire to work for a large impersonal organization.


They just handed over the keys and walked out – it was all so impersonal.

▪ forbidding unfriendly, uncomfortable, and a little frightening, so that you do not want to go there:

The school was a rather forbidding building surrounded by a high steel fence.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.