vis ‧ i ‧ ta ‧ tion /ˌvɪzəˈteɪʃ ə n, ˌvɪzɪˈteɪʃ ə n/ BrE AmE noun
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ visit , ↑ visitor , ↑ visitation ; verb : ↑ visit , ↑ revisit ]
1 . [uncountable and countable] formal an official visit to a place or person
2 . [uncountable and countable] law an occasion when a parent is allowed to spend time with the children after a ↑ divorce , or the right to do this:
visitation rights
3 . [countable] an occasion when God or a spirit is believed to appear to someone on earth
4 . [countable] literary an event that is believed to be God’s punishment for something:
a visitation of plague
5 . [countable] a long visit from someone that you do not want to see – used humorously