— visitational , adj.
/viz'i tay"sheuhn/ , n.
1. the act of visiting.
2. a formal visit, as one permitted by a court's granting of visitation rights or by parents invited to a school to observe the work of students.
3. a visit for the purpose of making an official examination or inspection, as of a bishop to a diocese.
4. ( usually cap. ) the visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. Luke 1:36-56.
5. ( cap. ) a church festival, held on July 2, in commemoration of this visit.
6. the administration of comfort or aid, or of affliction or punishment: a visitation of the plague.
7. an affliction or punishment, as from God.
8. the appearance or coming of a supernatural influence or spirit.
[ 1275-1325; visitation- (s. of visitatio ), equiv. to visitat ( us ) (ptp. of visitare; see VISIT, -ATE 1 ) + -ion- -ION; r. ME visitacioun ]