A condition in which there is complete transposition (right to left reversal) of the thoracic and abdominal organs. The heart is not in its usual position in the left chest but is on the right. Specifically related to the heart, this is referred to as dextrocardia (literally, right-hearted). And the stomach, which is normally in the left upper abdomen, is on the right. In patients with situs inversus totalis, all of the chest and abdominal organs are reversed and appear in mirror image when examined or visualized by tests such as x-ray filming. Situs inversus totalis has been estimated to occur once in about 6-8,000 births. Situs inversus occurs in a rare abnormal condition that is present at birth (congenital) called Kartageners syndrome.
Meaning of SITUS INVERSUS TOTALIS in English
English dictionary of medicine. Английский словарь медицины. 2012