I. verb (wove or ~d; woven or ~d; weaving) Etymology: Middle English weven, from Old English wefan; akin to Old High German weban to ~, Greek hyphainein to ~, hyphos web Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn), to interlace (as threads) into cloth, to make (as a basket) by intertwining, spin 2, to interlace especially to form a texture, fabric, or design, 4. to produce by elaborately combining elements ; contrive , to unite in a coherent whole, to introduce as an appropriate element ; work in, to direct (as the body) in a winding or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles, intransitive verb to work at weaving ; make cloth, to move in a devious, winding, or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles, II. noun Date: 1581 something woven, any of the patterns or methods for interlacing the threads of woven fabrics, III. intransitive verb (~d; weaving) see: wipe Date: 1596 to move waveringly from side to side ; sway
Meaning of WEAVE in English
Merriam Webster. Explanatory English dictionary Merriam Webster. Толковый словарь английского языка Мерриам-Уэбстер. 2012