/ wiːv; NAmE / verb , noun
■ verb ( wove / wəʊv; NAmE woʊv/ woven / ˈwəʊvn; NAmE ˈwoʊvn/)
HELP NOTE : In sense 4 weaved is used for the past tense and past participle.
weave A (from B) | weave B (into A) | weave sth (together) to make cloth, a carpet, a basket , etc. by crossing threads or strips across, over and under each other by hand or on a machine called a loom :
[ vn ]
The baskets are woven from strips of willow.
The strips of willow are woven into baskets.
Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
threads woven together
[ v ]
She is skilled at spinning and weaving.
[ vn ] weave A (out of / from B) | weave B (into A) to make sth by twisting flowers, pieces of wood, etc. together :
She deftly wove the flowers into a garland.
[ vn ] weave sth (into sth) | weave sth (together) to put facts, events, details, etc. together to make a story or a closely connected whole :
to weave a narrative
The biography weaves together the various strands of Einstein's life.
( weaved , weaved ) [+ adv. / prep. ] to move along by running and changing direction continuously to avoid things that are in your way :
[ v ]
She was weaving in and out of the traffic.
The road weaves through a range of hills.
[ vn ]
He had to weave his way through the milling crowds.
- weave your magic | weave a spell (over sb)
■ noun
the way in which threads are arranged in a piece of cloth that has been woven ; the pattern that the threads make
verb senses 1 to 3 and noun Old English wefan , of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek huphē web and Sanskrit ūrṇavābhi spider, literally wool-weaver. The current noun sense dates from the late 19th cent.
verb sense 4 late 16th cent.: probably from Old Norse veifa to wave, brandish.