Pronunciation: ə - ' bo ̇ rt
Function: verb
Etymology: Latin abortus, past participle of aboriri to miscarry, from ab- + oriri to rise, be born ― more at ORIENT
Date: 1580
intransitive verb
1 : to bring forth stillborn, nonviable, or premature offspring
2 : to become checked in development so as to degenerate or remain rudimentary
3 : to terminate a procedure prematurely <the pilot decided to abort due to mechanical difficulties>
transitive verb
1 a : to induce the abortion of or give birth to prematurely b : to terminate the pregnancy of before term
2 a : to terminate prematurely : CANCEL < abort a project> < abort a spaceflight> b : to stop in the early stages < abort a disease>
– abort · er noun