Meaning of AFFECT in English


Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English, from affectus, past participle of afficere

Date: 15th century

: to produce an effect upon: as a : to produce a material influence upon or alteration in <paralysis affect ed his limbs> b : to act upon (as a person or a person's mind or feelings) so as to effect a response : INFLUENCE

usage see EFFECT

– af · fect · abil · i · ty \ - ˌ fek-t ə - ' bi-l ə -t ē \ noun

– af · fect · able \ - ' fek-t ə -b ə l \ adjective

synonyms AFFECT , INFLUENCE , TOUCH , IMPRESS , STRIKE , SWAY mean to produce or have an effect upon. AFFECT implies the action of a stimulus that can produce a response or reaction <the sight affected her to tears>. INFLUENCE implies a force that brings about a change (as in nature or behavior) <our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing>. TOUCH may carry a vivid suggestion of close contact and may connote stirring, arousing, or harming <plants touched by frost> <his emotions were touched by her distress>. IMPRESS stresses the depth and persistence of the effect <only one of the plans impressed him>. STRIKE similar to but weaker than impress, may convey the notion of sudden sharp perception or appreciation < struck by the solemnity of the occasion>. SWAY implies the acting of influences that are not resisted or are irresistible, with resulting change in character or course of action <politicians who are swayed by popular opinion>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.