Pronunciation: ə - ˌ pä-th ē - ' ō -s ə s, ˌ a-p ə - ' th ē - ə -s ə s
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -o · ses \ - ˌ s ē z \
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek apothe ō sis, from apotheoun to deify, from apo- + theos god
Date: circa 1580
1 : elevation to divine status : DEIFICATION
2 : the perfect example : QUINTESSENCE <this is the literary apotheosis of the shaggy dog story ― Thomas Sutcliffe>
– apo · the · o · size \ ˌ a-p ə - ' th ē - ə - ˌ s ī z, ə - ' pä-th ē - ə - \ transitive verb