Meaning of APOTHEOSIS in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ə-ˌpä-thē-ˈō-səs, ˌa-pə-ˈthē-ə-səs ]


( plural apo·the·o·ses -ˌsēz)

Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek apotheōsis, from apotheoun to deify, from apo- + theos god

Date: circa 1580

1. : elevation to divine status : deification

2. : the perfect example : quintessence

this is the literary apotheosis of the shaggy dog story — Thomas Sutcliffe

• apo·the·o·size ˌa-pə-ˈthē-ə-ˌsīz, ə-ˈpä-thē-ə- transitive verb

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.