Pronunciation: ' er- ē - ə , ' ā -r ē - ə
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, open space, threshing floor; perhaps akin to Latin ar ē re to be dry ― more at ARID
Date: 1538
1 : a level piece of ground
2 : the surface included within a set of lines specifically : the number of unit squares equal in measure to the surface ― see METRIC SYSTEM table WEIGHT table
3 : the scope of a concept, operation, or activity : FIELD <the whole area of foreign policy>
5 : a particular extent of space or surface or one serving a special function: as a : a part of the surface of the body b : a geographic region
6 : a part of the cerebral cortex having a particular function
– ar · e · al \ - ē - ə l \ adjective
– ar · e · al · ly \ - ə -l ē \ adverb